Thursday, August 12, 2010
Infertility and Traditional Chinese Medicine
I was talking with one of my patients the other day. We were discussing how we figured that once we got all our ducks lined up, mainly careers, then we would just magically start having children. Not once did it cross our minds that becoming pregnant would be reduced to a science that seems more like shooting rubber bands at the stars. Every year, millions of women wait month by month and are disappointed yet again. There is not much to be offered out there aside from the plethora of fertility drugs and procedures that are at best reduce women to feeling like just another number in a clinic.
After years of working with women who are seeking to get pregnant, I am struck time and time again the uniqueness of each individual and the beauty of Chinese medicine. Through the lenses of this medicine we can really focus on what is happening with a woman’s body and every woman has walked away if not pregnant at least of better body, mind and spirit. Women are no longer reduced to just fibroids or hormonal imbalances but a whole being that is supported in every way possible to allow a natural process to occur.
The most common question that I am asked is how does Chinese medicine work? This is such a complex question that six and a half years of schooling and 15 years of practice still has me stopped in my tracks to contemplate a moment how best to answer. Everything in the body can be reduced to Qi and truly not much can happen without it. Blood cannot move, the spirit cannot be tended to and cycles cannot be maintained without Qi and all of those things are essential for fertility to occur. I like to think of the practice of Chinese medicine as the supporting of Qi, through the work of channels and organs. Every point that we insert a needle directly effects the delicate balance in the body’s energetics, helping to nudge the flow one way or another. Of course this is a very much simplified answer and open to much larger discussions.
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